The Story Behind Jewel Advent on Instagram And How To Join In

Names such as #jeweladvent20silverlinings, #jeweladvent20literaryjewels and jeweledadvent20naughtyandnice are just some of the 24 themes for 2020 of the event created by three women who befriended each other on Instagram through their love of jewelry—Anne-Marie O’Reilly (@hardingandgriffin), Kim Brusewitz (@medeasmix) and Jennifer Ha (@dupkaspike). The event is entitled “Jewel Advent” (#jeweladvent) (JA), and it was originally launched in 2017 on Instagram to commemorate the holidays and have some creative fun. . Although I have participated by entering pictures for the different premises–(I will get to the rules)—This is my first year hosting a subject. My theme was #jewelryadvent20fivegoldrings. I have always appreciated being part of the antique and vintage jewelry community on IG as there is such comradery and supportiveness with the numerous people I have met. This experience brought me more joy and friendship during a time when we all could use a little laughter, spirit, creativity and bolstering. The 24 ‘hosts’ of the event hail from all over the U.S., Australia, Canada and Europe but it wasn’t like DM-ing with good friends, it was like talking to them in person like they lived right next door.
@Medeasmix and a photo of her theme for 2020
A Post From @harding@griffin from 2019
with the theme #jeweladvent19evergreen
It was wonderful to wake up in the morning to discuss the themes and prizes and imaginative entries from the days before and to laugh and joke and feel free to talk about our daily lives. The day I hosted was the best day I had in months—but I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s go back a little in time to how the event was created and how it has grown since then. According to Jennifer Ha, “ JA is on track to draw 5,000 entries this year.
A Post from @dupkaspike for the theme of #jeweladvent19creaturecomforts

A Post from @dupkaspike for Jewel Advent with the theme of Creature Comforts
One of my favorite parts in addition to introducing my own day and prize was introducing the next person who came after me. (See photos throughout of this from the past four years)
A Post From @medeamix for #jeweladvent18feast Jewel Avent 2018
Anne-Marie O’Reilly @hardingandgriffin from the UK had the idea to do a holiday-themed event and approached Kim @medeamix and Jennifer @dupkaspike with the concept. After some brainstorming, the three came up with the structure—daily holiday-based themes, hosted by 24 Instagram jewelry accounts, and the name, “Jewel Advent.” During the four years since its inception, participants from around the globe vie for daily jewelry prizes—and one grand prize—by getting their creative jewelry juices flowing. Anne-Marie explains, “The idea was born from a wish to have an Instagram jewelry community event that would highlight certain sellers and allow people to discover accounts with the same passion. An advent calendar structure was the next idea with different themes for each day, followed by the idea of turning into a giveaway extravaganza! Each of us had been on Instagram for a number of years and we turned to those we were friends with in the community to come on board and each host a giveaway during Advent. To have 24 accounts so generously donating prizes and their time and the reception we get every year from the community never ceases to fills me with joy.”
@hardingandgriffin introducing host @rubiesandrhinestones
for the theme #jeweladvent20velvetandlace
From the beginning, the trio’s vision was to unify antique and vintage jewelry accounts (although it’s not limited—modern jewelers collectors and designers can join in the party too)—but it seems that it’s those attracted to the history and stories behind the jewelry post more entries. The three wanted people to have a ton of fun while fostering more positive social interaction. “I think we’ve achieved a great part of what we set out to do. We see a lot of people posting, from dealers to collectors, and the creativity out there is jaw-dropping. I think Jewel Advent has given the jewelry community further impetus to make some beautiful posts.” Jennifer adds. And Kim agrees, “People are spending time thinking about the themes and each year there are more and more likes and comments and communication with each other. Those that enter are truly encouraging to the community at large.”
@medeasmix introducing @plazajewellery
for the theme of #jeweladvent18lbdaccessories
For the past three years, themes are changed. “We changed nearly half last year, and about a quarter this year to keep it fresh,” says Anne-Marie. “The hosts are given first refusal each year to come back which is why they don’t change too much. But it’s always nice to get a fresh spin from a new host whe one of our regulars cannot commit to a certain year.”
@medeasmix introduces @parkavenueantiques
for the theme #jeweladvent17decorations
“In typical social media fashion,” says Jennifer, “the three creators have never met in person”. “However,” she continues, “Anne Marie is based in the U.K., Kim in Sweden, and I am in the U.S., yet the three have managed the event without a hitch. Time zones have not deterred the jewelry friends and one day they hope to meet in person — though not likely during JA season or in 2020. “We are very much looking to 2021 when times are less challenging,” she adds.
But judging from the DM’s I personally have read and my own experience with the event, along with peoples stories with their posts and comments, Jewel Advent 2020 had given the jewelry community the impetus to get up and be as inventive as they can be which many have said have created joy and happiness during these tougher times.
I know it has for me.
Here is one of the early winners from this year. @addysvintage theme was #jeweladventjewelledgardens and won a beautiful ring as a prize for this amazing photo
The event is still going on. We are on day 9 of day 24 today, so look at the calendar and the rules pictured below, and if you haven’t already, enter whichever themes move you.
And may you have a joyous holiday season. Wishing you safety, health and happiness and togetherness in 2021.