Museum Quality Jewels in Manhattan

René Boivin gemstone set brooch, circa 1938 at La Gallerie Parisienne at The New York Jewelry & Watch Show
From The New York City Jewelry and Watch Show at The Metropolitan Pavilion on the West Side of Manhattan to TEFAF NY Fall 2017 at the Park Avenue Armory on the East Side, many rare treasures in all classifications and time periods of jewelry could be found among the participating international dealers.
TEFAF New York, which made it’s debut in the U.S. at the Armory for spring 2017, returned for Fall and ran from October 28 – Nov 1, 2017 with fine arts of museum quality and outstanding examples of the history of decorative and wearable arts. The show is an offshoot of TEFAF Maastricht, which is heralded as the world’s leading art and antiques fair, which will present its 31st edition in March 2018.

Les Enluminures Masquerade ring, with gold diamonds, emeralds and rubies, Italy circa 1760 and Gimmel Fede Ring inscribed “Gage D’Amitie with gold, rubies and diamonds, circa 1750, TEFAF FALL 2017
The jewelry at TEFAF New York show rivaled the spring’s sublime range and featured pieces from antiquity through vintage 1970s, with numerous signed jewels from some of the leading dealers and shops including Wartski, A La Vielle Russie, Veronique Bamps and Seigelson.

Ar Deco Coral, Onyx and Diamond Bracelet by Cartier, Paris 1922 with a copy of the sketch of the bracelet at Siegelson, TEFAF NEW YORK, FALL 2017
The New York City Jewelry & Watch Show featured it’s own highly collectible pieces.
Our treasure hunt took us through many a century. We were surprised to find so many compelling bracelets in every variety of antique through vintage jewelry, followed by brooches/clips and dramatic necklaces. Early authentic rings from medieval through Georgian times in impeccable condition are traditionally hard to find but we found enough to make our heart’s sink when we had to leave them behind. Let’s just say, we coveted a range of pieces and although we couldn’t purchase the Cartier Art Deco bracelet or the Boivin floral brooch, we could at least take photos and bring you some of our favorite finds.
Here from both shows are the pieces that will linger in our minds and every now and then, haunt our dreams
- Glorious Antique Cuff Victorian Cuff Bracelet at Glorious Antique Jewelry at The New York City Jewelry and Watch Show
- Enamel and gold antique cuff bracelet at Keyamour at the New York City Jewelry and Watch Show
- Art Deco Bracelet at A La Vielle Russie at TEFAF NEW YORK FALL 2017
- An Art Moderne Rock Crystall and Diamond Bangleby Juliete Moutard for René Boivin, Paris 1934 at Siegelson, TEFAF NEW YORK, FALL 2017
- Retro Tread Bracelet at Spicer-Warin at The New York City Jewelry and Watch Show
- Simon Teakle Ruby and Diamond Art Deco Bracelet at The New York City Jewelry and Watch Show

Flato Rose Diamond Bracelet from the late 1930s at Wartski at TEFAF NEW YORK FALL 2017

Fairy Clips at Palais Royal, The New York CIty Watch and Jewelry Show

Pair of Ruby Heart Clips designed by Juliette Moutard for René Boivin, Paris 1938 at Siegelson, TEFAF NEW YORK FALL 2017
- Early Pictorail brooch with insects and floral motif in diamonds, enamel pearls and gemstones at Lowther Antiques at The New York City Jewelry and Watch Show
- Ar Noveau plique a jour enamel butterfly at A La Vielle Russie at TEFAF NEW YORK FALL 2017
- Revival Style Necklace circa 19870 by Giacinto Melillo, c.1870at Wartski at TEFAF NEW YORK FALL 2017
- Boucheron Ruby and Gold retro necklace at Veronique Bamps at TEFAF NY FALL 2017