Gem Jewelers Co. Features Diamond Jewelry For Every Lifestyle And Personal Taste

At some point in a woman’s life, she will own a piece or many pieces of diamond jewelry. Diamonds are eternal; they have long celebrated special occasions from engagements to a woman purchasing a piece for herself for her accomplishments.
Gem Jewelers Co.’s Illusion Set Round Diamond Modern Rivière Necklace
As young girls, we are attracted to anything sparkly—the more blingy, the better, but as we grow up, we also grow into our individual tastes and styles –some of us will prefer a chic almost effortless elegance a la Grace Kelley while others a more glamorous, piled on feeling, like the iconic image of Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes belting out Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend.
And, we all have to start somewhere in building our diamond jewelry wardrobe. Whether our first piece is gifted or self–purchased, whether it be a diamond solitaire pendant, pair of stud earrings or tennis bracelet, or classic to oversized hoops, will want to add on from there. Enter Gem Jewelers Co., an online site that features a diversity of diamond jewelry from smaller studs to dramatic modern rivière necklaces. Owner Joe Abitol has created a site that offers both ready-made pieces and also features a space for custom orders. With diamonds in his genes—he was born to a famous Montreal jeweler whose shop “served our community—generations of women and families. It was there I learned that the power of diamonds is much more than the 4C’s but the occasions they signify and the way they are handed down and worn by different family members with happy memories and joy.”
Abitol realizes the different associations of diamond jewelry—a young girl who has just received a pair of diamond studs might feel she has crossed over into young womanhood, a career woman who has bought herself the tennis bracelet she has been coveting will always see the achievement she is commemorating when she looks down at it on her wrist. He also understands how more and more customers want to know about the stones from mine to market. “Therefore, our diamonds and gemstones are 100% ethical and in standard with the Clean Diamond Trade Act and our pieces are 100% made in the USA.”
From Left to right: Gem Jewelers Co’s Starter Diamond Studs, Gem Jewelers Co.’s Illusion Set Diamond Tennis Bracelet
One of the two trends that Gem Jewelers Co. is focused on at present is streamlined and pared-down pieces –with a modern minimalistic feeling that are in keeping with the market’s trend towards “jewelry that can be worn every day in every way” and that can be easily layered and stacked without having to think too much before leaving the house. “ He continues, “The last thing you want to do is fidget and fuss with your jewelry when building a wardrobe of pieces. You want styles that are easily mixed and combined and when layered still allow you to shine”
From Left To Right, Top to Bottom: Gem Jeweler Co.’s Halo Diamond Rollo Bracelet, Four Prong Classic Diamond Tennis Bracelet, Crown Prong Illusion set Diamond Tennis Bracelet, Bezel Set Round Diamond Pendant, 1.5″ Inside Outside Diamond Hoop Earrings, Adjustable Round Diamond Tennis Necklace, Emerald Cut Diamond Eternity Band, Bezel Set Round Cut Diamond Eternity Band.
Some other styles that fit in perfectly with this trend include: The Cross Over Diamond Ring that can be stacked or worn alone and The Dainty Diamond Eternity Band
On the other end of the spectrum, the idea of diamond jewelry is aligned with the sheer definition of putting on the glitz –or bringing on the bling. “It’s the attraction of the sparkle and the allure and beauty of clean white diamonds glistening—their opulence creating an aura of desirability.” Says Abitol. Some women would prefer one larger statement piece in each category than to layer or to graduate a smaller yet dazzling piece such as a halo solitaire necklace with a diamond rivière or a thinner and wider version of tennis bracelets.”
From Top To Bottom, Left to Right: Gem Jewelers Co. Double Round and Emerald Cut Diamond Eternity Band, Oval Diamond Eternity Band, Three Prong Classic Tennis Bracelet, Round Halo Diamond Studs, Round Halo Diamond Solitaire Necklace, Graduated Diamond Tennis Necklace, Round Diamond Eternity Band, Round Diamond Eternity Hoop Earrings
Different shapes of diamonds such as ovals, rounds and emerald cuts can also be stacked and layered as can different settings and colors of metal. “There is no right or wrong way to wear your diamond jewelry. Abitol concludes, “You can also always trade up. Say you are turning 40 and you want to purchase a gift for yourself and the tennis bracelet you had in your late twenties seems too small, go bigger. Your styles evolve and you should feel good about evolving with them. As long as it’s your way, in your style and with the pieces you have decided work best for you.”