Banner Statements: Pyrrha’s Message in gold

“We have always sought inspiration from Victorian era wax seals. We wanted to offer the Pyrrha customers pendants that were a bit more delicate and had a different shape, but was still imbued with meaning and symbolism culled from heraldry.”

The design team of Danielle Wilmore and Wade Papin of Pyrrha, the company that launched the art of translating old world sealing wax stamps into pendants in bronze, silver and gold with symbolic, spiritual and sentimental sayings continues to evolve their visionary ideas. “We have always had huge collect of sealing wax with  these significant mottoes and motifs that date back for centuries and we continue to collect them as we find them,” explains Danielle. The duo designs borrowed the images and the irregular borders and shapes that creatively sealed the back of envelopes and interpret them in a range of dainty to ultra large pendants as well as rings and bracelets. Each piece is presented with a handwritten card about the meaning and then translation from Latin or French to English

Noticing the trend in antique jewelry for intaglio and hard stone seal rings, poesy bands and how much people related differently to the mottoes, Danielle and Wade came up another with another inspired idea–to re-fashion their antique wax seals for modern times. They have taken the delicate scrolled edged motto banner of the seals and created delicate ribbon style pendants with Latin, French and English sayings. At present Pyrrha has four sayings in both gold and silver and addition pieces in silver.

The sayings in both metals include:
Carpe Diem- Seize the Day

Jamais Arriere- Never Look Back

Omnia Vincit Amor-Love Conquers All

Che Sara Sara- What Will Be Will Be

In Lumine Luce- Shine in the Light

Why not find the messages to which you can most relate and layer them with Pyrrha’s other pendants, or antique charm or both and create your own statement.