Whether you are an antique aficionado, a consummate collector of renowned brands or a modern jewelry enthusiast, BeJeweled is your go-to destination for all that glitters. We love a story, a yarn, the legend and the lore behind certain gems. We believe that every piece of jewelry has its own unique tale to tell, whether it be linked to a special moment in history, a celebrity, icon, designer, antique dealer or retail store owner. And we are interested what pieces are significant to you, the women who purchase and wear jewels and passes them along to the next generation. The stories we share about the styles featured throughout the magazine are personal, heartfelt, and often humorous tales of jewels that capture our imagination as we hope they will capture yours, from the famed pieces of Elizabeth Taylor to your fellow jewelry enthusiasts on Instagram.
BeJeweled offers straight up advice, served with wit and style know-how. We want to start a conversation so that you feel as if you are listening to a close friend when our respected experts: jewelry designers, notable collectors, well-known authors and historians—share tips, knowledge, unique perspectives and personal experiences.
Our distinctive vision is instinctive, down-to earth and somewhat off-the-cuff. We share trade secrets (shush)! and hope to engage you in all you want to know, from the most popular trends to the hottest spots to find the jewels. We always want you to have a good time as you go through our treasure chest of a magazine. And we want you to be…jeweled.
BeJeweled was born out of Editorial Director Beth Bernstein’s passion for writing about, designing and exploring all styles and facets of jewelry. She is a jewelry historian, an antique jewelry expert and collector of period and modern jewels—a purveyor of all things sparkly. She has a romance going on with the legend, language and sentiment behind the pieces. Her love for the story has inspired Beth to pen three books, with a fourth one in the works, and to spend the past twenty years as an editor and writer on the subject of jewels- old and new. She is a die-hard jewelry fan, so much so that she has designed her own collection throughout the 90s and continues to create bespoke jewels, in addition to her role as a consultant for both big brands and independent jewelry designers. She has been obsessed with tiaras since she was five, which only grew stronger as she watched films with Audrey Hepburn, Leslie Caron and Grace Kelly in real life wearing them. Around the same time she developed a hankering to imitate the styles of famously jeweled actress of Hollywood’s Golden Age and to memorize movie lines, especially the ones which have to do with cat burglars and jewel thieves.
A confessed jewel-aholic she can’t resist buying a piece at a show, shop or fair- restraint is not in her vocabulary. Revered in her field for her experience and knowledge and with exuberance and sheer joy in what she does, you could not find a more qualified Editorial Director to offer you this treasure chest of a magazine and shopping destination.
Hans Gschliesser
Brit Bivens- Writer
For submissions for editorial content, please contact: editorial@bejeweledmag.com
For advertising and collaborations, please contact: spotlight@bejeweledmag.com